Meat Heals: What Is The Effect Of The Carnivore Diet On Obesity and Cancer?

Does Meat Really Heal? Many anecdotal reports have been released claiming that the carnivore diet – which basically consists of eating a diet restricted to meat (usually red fatty meat)–has alleviated the symptoms of autoimmune disease, depression and caused weight loss and improved health. Despite these anecdotal, is there any scientific evidence to support these claims? In […]

Meat and Inflammaging; Where’s The Link?

What happens when you mix inflammation with aging? You definitely get ‘Inflammaging.’ Inflammaging is chronic, low-grade inflammation that comes with aging. It usually involves several organs and is characterized by a complex balance between inflammatory responses. Inflammaging is responsible for the negative changes experienced by aging. Consequently, inflammation can serve as a pointer for anti-aging […]

Keto Vs Carnivore

In the world of low-card diets that have amazing results, keto has been a great hit. How does the Carnivore diet compare? Which of these two diets has better outcomes? What are the differences? In this article, we will explore the differences and similarities of these two diets, and discuss why you should try one […]


Dr. Padda untangles the roots of our current opiate epidemic, obesity epidemic and diabetes epidemic, which are currently in the process of crippling our economy. He discusses hopeful solutions for the future, including how to prevent the eminent devastation of our physical, emotional and financial health as a nation. This is an inspiring and powerful […]

Is The Carnivore Diet A Threat To Conventional Medicine?

The modern age has brought with it questions of how best to maintain our health without synthesized drugs, whose complete effects are not fully known. How did our ancestors keep certain diseases at bay? How did they treat illness? These questions often plague us as we look for a more natural way of living. The […]

How To Reduce Your Gut Inflammation?

One of the most serious – and common – causes of chronic disease is inflammation. Despite it being a very necessary process for defending and repairing tissue, high levels of inflammation in the body cause your cells to deteriorate and lose their ability to function properly. In turn, this leads to the development of diseases […]

What Can You Eat To Improve Your Gut Flora, And Reduce Inflammation?

Your gut microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms — both friendly and unfriendly. Maintaining the right balance of bacteria in your gut is believed to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, decrease anxiety, and even improve brain function and mood. A healthy balance of gut bacteria is also said to boost metabolism, eliminate cravings, […]

How Much Sugar Can My Body Handle?

We have extremely limited glucose storage as glycogen, or as circulating glucose. Glycogen: Glycogen is a large branched polymer of glucose, stored mainly in the liver and the skeletal muscle.  Stored  glycogen can be mobilized to circulating glucose during fasting periods and to the muscle cells during muscle contraction, a process called glycogenolysis.  The total […]

Foods That Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin sensitivity can be described as the response the body elicits following the release of insulin. When the sensitivity is high, the body will require a small amount of insulin to reduce blood sugar levels. On the other hand, when sensitivity is low, the body may fail to respond to even high levels of insulin. […]