Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, And Heart Health

1 in 4 deaths in the US is directly linked to cardiovascular disease, this is quite a significant proportion considering the multitude of possible death causes. Why is this case? One would ask. Cardiovascular disease is greatly influenced by diet and lifestyle, and it can affect literary anyone. Unfortunately when it creeps up, it is hard […]

Easy- Peasy Fast Food and Your Immune System

Bad habits are easy to pick up but very difficult to do away with. This could be anything such as binge eating, drinking too much booze, over or undersleeping, and too much junking as well. It is now emerging that fast foods will not just make you overweight and obese but also have the potential […]

Type 2 Diabetes and The Carnivore Diet

The carnivore diet for diabetes management presents both promise and controversy. Just like most popular diets, many embark on it expecting radical change without putting in much effort. Unfortunately, the carnivore diet obeys the law of the jungle as aptly put by Rudyard Kipling; “and the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the […]

Does Sugar Consumption Cause Obesity?

Sugar has been vilified over the years with claims of its disastrous effects on our health. Are these claims true? Does taken a soda a day guarantee one ill health? What of the effects of excess sugar on obesity? In this article, we will explore these claims and determine whether indeed excessive sugar intake leads […]

Does Gut Microbiota Fuel Metabolic Inflammation and Dysregulation?

Given that obesity and associated disorder type II diabetes mellitus have reached epidemic proportions worldwide, the development of efficient prevention and therapeutic interventions is a global public health interest. There is now a large body of evidence suggesting that the micro-organisms colonizing the human gut, known as gut microbiota, play a central role in human physiology and […]

The Messy Facts about Diet and Inflammation

Can certain foods really help you fight heart disease, arthritis, and dementia? In health, as with so many things, our greatest strength can be our greatest weakness. Take our astonishingly sophisticated response to injury and infection. Our bodies unleash armies of cellular troops to slaughter invaders and clear out traitors. Their movements are marshaled by […]

Diabesity and Inflammation: A Case Of Chicken And Egg?

In our previous article, I introduced the term diabesity. In case you haven’t read it, you can check it here (link to what is diabesity). In a nutshell, diabesity is the description of diabetes type 2 when it occurs in the context of obesity. Diabesity is triggered by the onset of insulin resistance which means […]

What The Heck Is Cotton-Mouth and Why Does It Come About?

After medicating on a high THC strain, you may feel like you are chewing on glue and losing saliva. This may also be accompanied by bad breath, making the experience even more hellish. Welcome to cotton-mouth, a major annoyance that comes with cannabis. The medicinal properties of cannabis have attracted an assortment of patients. However, […]

Conjugated Linoleic Acid: Is It Good For You?

We have heard a lot about the unhealthy effects of fat. But did you know that some fats are actually good for your overall health and wellbeing? Conjugated linoleic is one such kind of fat. This article explains why you need not worry about this healthy trans-fat. What Is Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)? CLA is […]

The Conventional Wisdom: Energy Balance???????

“…from a thermodynamic perspective, it is clear that obesity is generally the consequence of small cumulative imbalances of energy intake and expenditure.” 2017, Obesity Pathogenesis: An Endocrine Society Scientific Statement calories in > calories out We overeat Too much food, too little physical activity Overeating (Energy in > Energy out) Obesity and the obesity epidemic 1880s: Max […]