Addiction Neurobehavioral Model of Obesity

  Reverse Diabetes MD Presentation | Reverse Diabetes MD from Gurpreet Padda on Vimeo. Using an addiction model for obesity may be a more accurate way to view it. Obesity is more complicated than the simple calories in and calories out model.  Obesity is more than eat less, move more. Obesity is affected by an underlying neuropsychological and neuroendocrine […]

Why Treat Obesity and Prediabetes

  Why Treat Obesity and Prediabetes | Reverse Diabetes MD from Gurpreet Padda on Vimeo. It’s important to treat obesity and prediabetes before diabetes can develop because obesity is the leading indicator in developing diabetes. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reveals that only 12.2 percent of American adults are metabolically healthy.  Eighty-six million adults in […]

About GGT (Oracle of death or The final common pathway)

About GGT (Oracle of Death or The final common Pathway) | Reverse Diabetes MD from Gurpreet Padda on Vimeo. Excess processed foods and carbohydrates can also lead to increased liver damage. GGT isn’t something that people consider when considering health risks, but it could be referred to as the “oracle of death” or “the final common pathway” because of […]

Reverse Diabetes Md Provider Info

Reverse Diabetes MD Presentation | Reverse Diabetes MD from Gurpreet Padda on Vimeo. It’s time to take a more detailed look at the root causes of obesity, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes because of the implication for future public health. Reversing the obesity, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes epidemic is today’s most important public health challenge.  Nearly 70% of population is insulin […]

Time-Restricted Feeding

Time Restricted Feeding | Reverse Diabetes MD from Gurpreet Padda on Vimeo. Time-restricted feeding. Time-restricted feeding can help people move into a healthier lifestyle and reverse insulin resistance as well as maintain a healthy weight. Most people eat from the time they wake up until the time they go to bed; typically, they eat three main meals, multiple snacks, […]


Continued treatment with insulin in type 2 diabetes continues to create issues with the body, which can eventually lead to more serious diseases. It’s important to distinguish between symptoms and problems, lest we throw more fuel on the fire. Insulin is a both a signaling and a growth hormone, which causes cells such as muscle […]


One of the cornerstones of any healthy lifestyle change is increasing the amount of real food consumed and limiting the amount of processed food. Real food increases satiety, the feeling of fullness, and limits overeating. What exactly is processed food? When we talk about “processed food”, we are talking about: cookies crackers chips donuts pizza […]


Hippocrates is attributed with the concept of food as medicine. “Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.” But in today’s society, can food be medicine? Many traditional medical physicians are quick to judge other clinicians who claim that food can “improve the symptoms of mental health disorders,” or when clinicians […]


Instead of calorie counting, practice hara hachi bu, Confucian teaching, that instructs people to eat until they are 80 percent full. “Eat until you are eight parts (out of ten) full” or “belly 80 percent full.” Simple changes to your eating patterns or the environment will dramatically increase the joy of food.   First, eat more […]


Many people think that focusing on protein, including protein bars, is effective in losing and managing weight. However, simply increasing the consumption of protein without reducing carbohydrates, eliminating vegetable oils and artificial flavoring will not satiate you, and will likely increase your weight and metainflammation. Food manufacturers are experts in engineering food to be tasty […]