Looming Millennial Health Crises

Blue Cross Blue Shield recently completed a study of medical conditions in the millennial population, and found there is a rapid decline in health index score for general populations after the age of 27. Millennials from ages 34-36 have higher prevalence rates for nearly all of the top 10 conditions than Generation X members within […]

Hara Hachi Bu (腹八分目): “Eat until you are 80 Percent Full”

The popular Japanese saying Hara Hachi Bu (腹八分目), which translates to “eat until you are 80 percent full,” gives insight into what you can do to make changes to lower your weight and insulin resistance. You can make simple changes in everyday habits to learn to eat only until 80 percent full. First, you should […]

Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Inflammation

To reverse diabetes, weight loss and a low-carbohydrate diet must be combined. These are independent factors for reversing diabetes. Weight loss can achieve diabetes reversal through decompressing (decongesting) the liver and pancreas, improving blood flow, and reducing adipocyte hormonal responses. As the worldwide epidemic of obesity continues to worsen, the epidemic of type 2 diabetes […]

Intentional and Unlabeled Increase in Fructose

There has been an intentional, unlabeled increase in manufacturing fructose, which is having an impact on weight and leading to the obesity epidemic. Soda drinkers in particular are consuming more fructose than people realize. Manufactured high-fructose corn syrup contains a ratio of 55:45 fructose to glucose. High-fructose corn syrup was invented in the early 1970s […]

Vegetable Oil and Neuroinflammation, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD

Vegetable oil may have something to do with neuropsychiatric conditions, including neuroinflammation, anxiety, and depression. Research has found processed foods, especially the origin of the fat content, are associated with many of our neuropsychiatric conditions. Processed food contains primarily PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) omega-6 vegetable oils. Rancidity in vegetable oils is difficult for the human […]

Follow the Money

Weight loss is clearly of primary concern to Americans, but the healthcare industry doesn’t seem to have a good solution. America doesn’t have a healthcare system; we have a sick maintenance cabal. Between 1989 and 2016, the average American gained 29 pounds and spent more than $1 trillion on weight loss products. In 2016 alone, […]

Addiction, Obesity & Hyperpalatability

Foods made to taste exceptionally good (hyperpalatable) through combining high fat and high sugar can also lead to behavioral addiction, which can lead to obesity. Hyperpalatable foods can produce an addiction‐like syndrome. Animals presented with either high‐sugar or high‐fat diets eat excessively but do not gain weight as they offset the increased intake by eating […]

Nutritional Ketosis

To lose weight and process insulin most effectively, we must recognize some simple truths about ketosis and carbohydrates. Nutritional ketosis is the default human state, and consuming mostly carbohydrates is the preparatory stage for fat storage now, so you can be in ketosis later. When you spend more time out of ketosis than in ketosis, […]

Why Counting Calories Fails

Counting calories often fails. Instead, focus on eating real food. What is a calorie? A calorie in physics is the energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water to 1 °C. The calorie you see on a food package, however, is actually a kilocalorie, or 1,000 calories, the amount of energy needed […]

Eat, Don’t Eat

There are some misconceptions about food and what to eat and not eat. The truth is that food is medicine and information for your body. Food is for real hunger, not boredom. Each patient is unique and any advice will need to be medically tailored. Hara Hachi bu (腹八分目) is a Japanese phrase that translates […]