From Keto to Carnivore

The Carnivore Diet is the new trend that has seen people feeling better, healing disease, and performing at new heights. Of all the people who attempt the carnivore diet, a large segment is those that move from keto dieting. Keto to Carnivore has become has become the natural progression. From bad diet, to Keto to Carnivore. In […]

Type 2 Diabetes and The Carnivore Diet

The carnivore diet for diabetes management presents both promise and controversy. Just like most popular diets, many embark on it expecting radical change without putting in much effort. Unfortunately, the carnivore diet obeys the law of the jungle as aptly put by Rudyard Kipling; “and the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the […]

Frequent large spikes in insulin

Our eating patterns can influence insulin production and weight gain, and it’s important to give our bodies time to burn energy from food. Most people eat from the time they wake up until the time they go to bed — typically three main meals, multiple snacks, and often soda in between. This pattern leads to […]

Are the Odds of Weight Loss in your Favor?

The standard advice of dietitians and physicians to those who want to lose weight is simple: eat less, move more. However, this advice doesn’t actually produce favorable odds for losing and maintaining a healthy weight. Using the standard calorie reduction approach recommended by the dietitians produces a probability of attaining a normal weight at 1 […]

Follow the Money

Weight loss is clearly of primary concern to Americans, but the healthcare industry doesn’t seem to have a good solution. America doesn’t have a healthcare system; we have a sick maintenance cabal. Between 1989 and 2016, the average American gained 29 pounds and spent more than $1 trillion on weight loss products. In 2016 alone, […]


  Losing weight is easy, but keeping it off is harder. Everybody loses weight, if they are paying attention to it. However, it’s the long-term sustainable weight loss that is the key to health.  You should avoid the yo-yo diet and practice seven real strategies for long-term weight loss. Nearly every research study on dietary intervention […]