Dual Burden of Malnutrition Obesity Starvation

It is estimated that by 2020, two-thirds of the global burden of disease will be due to chronic non-communicable diseases, most of which are associated with diet. While hunger is a tremendous global health concern that cannot be minimized, overnutrition should similarly be given concentrated attention. Malnutrition affects up-to 1 billion people. Even though undernutrition […]

Inflammation and Its Outcomes

Despite it being an essential response to infection and tissue injury, inflammation has also been associated with several pathological processes. Excessive acute inflammation causes tissue damage and non-resolving inflammation leads to chronic tissue malfunction, suggesting a delicate balance between the rapid and effective response to distresses in tissue homeostasis and the collateral damage on tissue […]

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is the main cause of liver disease. Its prevalence reaches 30% in the population and up to 75–100% in obesity. Different degrees of severity characterize this disease. Although the great majority of patients are without symptoms, nearly 20% eventually progress to develop chronic hepatic inflammation which can lead to early hypertension, […]

Chronic Inflammation Metabolic Overfeed Hyperinsulinemia

Despite it being an essential response to infection and tissue injury, inflammation has also been associated with several pathological processes. Excessive acute inflammation causes tissue damage and non-resolving inflammation leads to chronic tissue malfunction, suggesting a delicate balance between the rapid and effective response to distresses in tissue homeostasis and the collateral damage on tissue […]

Is Your Healthcare Provider (Physician, Dietitian, Practitioner) Overweight??

Overweight or obese physicians were less likely to discuss weight loss with heavy patients: only 18% of these doctors discussed losing weight with their patients while 30% of normal weight physicians did. More interestingly, 93% of doctors diagnosed obesity in their patients only if they believed their own weight was equal to or less than […]

“The More Money Doctors Receive…The More Brand-Name Drugs They Tend to Prescribe.”

When we reverse type 2 diabetes, hyperinsulinemia, and obesity, we are advocating for less medical intervention and more patient self-care. Empowering the patient to manage a lifestyle disease with a lifestyle intervention does not result in a medical profit. There is no financial incentive in the Business of Medicine, Big Pharma, or Big Food for […]

Weight Watchers Eyes A New Clientele: Children

So this is where we are headed… while I applaud the attention we must all place on this urgent issue, as a species we have gone from food scarcity and malnutrition to food excess and the malnutrition of overconsumption, in less than 30 years out of a 2-3 million year history. Maybe it’s not an […]

The Cheat Day? Keto Diet and Metabolic Flexibility

Once the body is in nutritional ketosis, reduced insulin shifts the metabolic pathways to preferentially burn fat stores instead of storing fat stores. This leads to weight loss and can reverse the symptoms of diseases like Type 2 diabetes. Impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes mellitus are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. […]

Breaking News?

According to a “NEW” study published in Obesity, “lifestyle interventions focused on altering dietary and physical activity habits using behavioral strategies can produce sustained weight loss among African Americans and Hispanics who have type 2 diabetes (T2D)” Which ivory tower have they been living in or is this new information to their sources of funding? […]