Sugar, Inflammation, and Health

It’s no secret that sugar is bad for you. It spoils your teeth, packs on pounds around your belly, and provides zero nutrition. Unfortunately, these are the least of sugars crimes. The biggest reason why you should stop taking sugar is that it is one of the most pro-inflammatory foods. Current Research suggests that chronic, body-wide inflammation is […]

Refined Grains, Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes

Flour is hard to avoid during meal times. Breakfast options mainly consist of toast, bagels, cereal, and pancakes. A convenient lunch is sandwiches, wraps, pasta or pizza. Dinner might come with its own temptations too. As a result, the average American now eats 10 servings of refined grains each day. What effect do these refined […]

Does Chronic Over Nutrition Play A Role In Metabolic Inflammation?

We have been looking at metabolic inflammation and its role in the development of obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Does overnutrition contribute to metabolic inflammation? How? Some background on overnutrition…. It is estimated that by 2020, two-thirds of the global burden of the disease will be due to chronic non-communicable diseases, most of which are associated […]

Metabolic Signals And Innate Immune Activation In Obesity

The interplay between immunity, inflammation, and metabolic changes is a growing field of research. Exciting new evidence is emerging with regard to their role in the regulation of metabolism and the activation of inflammatory pathways during the progression of metabolic disorders such as Type 2 Diabetes and Atherosclerosis. The innate immune system The innate immune system […]

Meat Heals: What Is The Effect Of The Carnivore Diet On Obesity and Cancer?

Does Meat Really Heal? Many anecdotal reports have been released claiming that the carnivore diet – which basically consists of eating a diet restricted to meat (usually red fatty meat)–has alleviated the symptoms of autoimmune disease, depression and caused weight loss and improved health. Despite these anecdotal, is there any scientific evidence to support these claims? In […]

Optimal Gut and Intestinal Microbiota In The Prevention Of Metabolic Inflammation

If Hippocrates the father of modern medicine is to be believed, “All disease begins in the gut”. The gastrointestinal tract with its microbiota is a complex, open, and integrated ecosystem. It is widely accepted that healthy gut microbiota is essential for optimal health. Imbalance in the gut flora could lead to one being vulnerable to a large spectrum of […]

The Messy Facts about Diet and Inflammation

Can certain foods really help you fight heart disease, arthritis, and dementia? In health, as with so many things, our greatest strength can be our greatest weakness. Take our astonishingly sophisticated response to injury and infection. Our bodies unleash armies of cellular troops to slaughter invaders and clear out traitors. Their movements are marshaled by […]

What is Overnutrition Induced Inflammation?

Inflammation is a biological response launched by the immune system against dangerous assaults which threaten the integrity and normal physiology of an organism. Chronic nutrient overload causes an increase in adipose irregularities in that, if adipose tissue expandability is low, there will be an increased presence of thickened tissue. This condition would lead to a […]

Inflammation and Its Outcomes

Despite it being an essential response to infection and tissue injury, inflammation has also been associated with several pathological processes. Excessive acute inflammation causes tissue damage and non-resolving inflammation leads to chronic tissue malfunction, suggesting a delicate balance between the rapid and effective response to distresses in tissue homeostasis and the collateral damage on tissue […]