Refined Grain Consumption: Not Bad After All?

We have heard a lot about the harmful effects of refined grains on our health. Interestingly, recent research seems to point in a different direction, exonerating them from the label they have held for so long. Are refined grains not so bad after all? What are the facts? In this article, we will take a […]

Does Chronic Over Nutrition Play A Role In Metabolic Inflammation?

We have been looking at metabolic inflammation and its role in the development of obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Does overnutrition contribute to metabolic inflammation? How? Some background on overnutrition…. It is estimated that by 2020, two-thirds of the global burden of the disease will be due to chronic non-communicable diseases, most of which are associated […]

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

The most common endocrine dysfunction of women – affects 10-20% of women. A life-long disease with enormous medical, emotional and financial consequences. High risk for diabetes and metabolic syndrome & 80% are overweight/obese. PCOS is the result of hyperinsulinemia * The effects of insulin on the ovary Theca cells results in release of testosterone * […]

Autism Connection?

Soybean oil not only leads to obesity and diabetes but could also affect neurological conditions such as: maternal-child bonding autism Alzheimer’s disease anxiety depression A previous study published in 2015 suggested that soybean oil-induced obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, and fatty liver in mice. A more recent 2020 study published in the journal Endocrinology, compared mice […]

Rats, Food, Prisons – Reversing The Diabetes Pandemic With Dr. Gurpreet Padda

We are living in a diabetes pandemic. But diabetes isn’t just about blood sugar, it’s systemic inflammation, incessant cravings-driven eating. It’s obesity. And it’s impacting our nation in ways most are completely unaware of. From our children’s exposure to the U.S. dietary regulations in our public schools and the rise in ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), […]

How Much Sugar Can My Body Handle?

We have extremely limited glucose storage as glycogen, or as circulating glucose. Glycogen: Glycogen is a large branched polymer of glucose, stored mainly in the liver and the skeletal muscle.  Stored  glycogen can be mobilized to circulating glucose during fasting periods and to the muscle cells during muscle contraction, a process called glycogenolysis.  The total […]

Does Sugar Consumption Cause Obesity?

Sugar has been vilified over the years with claims of its disastrous effects on our health. Are these claims true? Does taken a soda a day guarantee one ill health? What of the effects of excess sugar on obesity? In this article, we will explore these claims and determine whether indeed excessive sugar intake leads […]

Does Gut Microbiota Fuel Metabolic Inflammation and Dysregulation?

Given that obesity and associated disorder type II diabetes mellitus have reached epidemic proportions worldwide, the development of efficient prevention and therapeutic interventions is a global public health interest. There is now a large body of evidence suggesting that the micro-organisms colonizing the human gut, known as gut microbiota, play a central role in human physiology and […]

Achieving Success With Diabetes Remission

Many people living with diabetes often wonder if diabetes remission is a possibility for them.  Well, for most people, this is an achievable goal. If you are lucky enough you can go for years without taking any diabetes medication but still maintain normal sugar levels if you are willing to put in the hard work. […]

Diabesity and Inflammation: A Case Of Chicken And Egg?

In our previous article, I introduced the term diabesity. In case you haven’t read it, you can check it here (link to what is diabesity). In a nutshell, diabesity is the description of diabetes type 2 when it occurs in the context of obesity. Diabesity is triggered by the onset of insulin resistance which means […]