Continuum of Type 2 Diabetes Progression

The longer progression to Type 2 Diabetes can be delayed, even if using oral hypoglycemics, the more cost-effective it is. Most physicians wait until someone’s HgBA1C exceeds 6.5, but this is a mistake. The following is a cost analysis of early intervention with metformin, compared to delaying treatment until insulin supplementation is required due to […]

The Dark Side of Protein

It’s not wise to use food labels of processed foods to determine actual protein content because food labeling information may be inaccurate. Food labeling information is based upon a food component calorie estimation, which is calculated by adding up the calories provided by the energy-containing nutrients: protein, carbohydrate, fat, and alcohol. The Atwater system uses […]

Vendors of Death

The prevalence of vending machines that stock soda in schools, particularly elementary schools, is concerning for the overall health and well-being of the country. Sodas are made largely with high fructose corn syrup. Fructose activates the dopaminergic reward system more than glucose, and high fructose corn syrup is spiked with extra fructose, far beyond what […]

Fructose vs Glucose

Fructose and glucose are both sugars, but they are not the same. High-fructose corn syrup was invented in the 1970s and began to replace regular sugar around 1975. The obesity epidemic coincides with the use of HFCS, and vegetable oils and ultra-processed grain also increased in the mid-1970s. The per capita consumption of HFCS — […]

Food is Not Simply the Sum of its Parts

Many people focus on the nutritional content of their food when choosing what to eat. However, only focusing on the nutritional content of food is short-sighted. We don’t process all of the elements of food into energy through simple carbohydrates, proteins (amino acids, peptides), and fat. Food transmits valuable instructional information to our body, prompting […]

Looming Millennial Health Crises

Blue Cross Blue Shield recently completed a study of medical conditions in the millennial population, and found there is a rapid decline in health index score for general populations after the age of 27. Millennials from ages 34-36 have higher prevalence rates for nearly all of the top 10 conditions than Generation X members within […]

Hara Hachi Bu (腹八分目): “Eat until you are 80 Percent Full”

The popular Japanese saying Hara Hachi Bu (腹八分目), which translates to “eat until you are 80 percent full,” gives insight into what you can do to make changes to lower your weight and insulin resistance. You can make simple changes in everyday habits to learn to eat only until 80 percent full. First, you should […]

Why Treat Obesity and Prediabetes

  Why Treat Obesity and Prediabetes | Reverse Diabetes MD from Gurpreet Padda on Vimeo. It’s important to treat obesity and prediabetes before diabetes can develop because obesity is the leading indicator in developing diabetes. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reveals that only 12.2 percent of American adults are metabolically healthy.  Eighty-six million adults in […]

Time-Restricted Feeding

Time Restricted Feeding | Reverse Diabetes MD from Gurpreet Padda on Vimeo. Time-restricted feeding. Time-restricted feeding can help people move into a healthier lifestyle and reverse insulin resistance as well as maintain a healthy weight. Most people eat from the time they wake up until the time they go to bed; typically, they eat three main meals, multiple snacks, […]