Weight Loss and Diabetes Reversal; Study Results

Diabetes reversal has become a subject of interest in many quarters; patients, clinicians, and researchers are looking for ways to nip this rising epidemic in the bud. And very soon, Big Pharma may be forced to take a harder look at its diabetes management approach. A recent study by the University of Cambridge is pointing […]

What Is A Calorie?

A calorie in physics is the energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 °C. The calorie you see on a food package is actually a kilocalorie, or 1,000 calories, the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius. The original method used […]

Real Fat From Real Food Does Not Make You Fat

Full-fat dairy may protect against obesity. A 2014 study concluded: “Participants in the highest tertile of whole-fat dairy intakes (milk, cheese, yogurt) had significantly lower odds for being obese.”

Real Fat From Real Food Does Not Make You Fat

Full-fat dairy may protect against obesity. A 2014 study concluded: “Participants in the highest tertile of whole-fat dairy intakes (milk, cheese, yogurt) had significantly lower odds for being obese.”

Reducing Dietary Saturated Fats

Reducing dietary saturated fats does not reduce cardiovascular events and death. Improvements in cardiovascular outcomes are independent of direct cholesterol lowering. Dietary trials that provide abundant natural fats such as α-linoleic acid, polyphenols and Ω-3 fatty acids found in nuts, olive oil, oily fish, and vegetables exert a positive health effect, likely by reducing inflammation, […]

Eat Less To Lose Weight Fails

A calorie is a calorie only if it is incinerated in a bomb calorimeter, and the heat given off measured. Biologically derived calories from different foods have entirely different metabolic effects on the human body. Equal calorie portions of sugar, alcohol, meat or olive oil have widely differing effects on hormonal systems such as insulin, […]

Obesity Is Symptom Of Nutrient Accumulation.

It is wrongly assumed that excessive caloric intake is the root cause of obesity. A calorie of food energy has different metabolic fates depending upon the hormonal stimulation. That same calorie may be used to generate body heat or stored as body fat. Obesity is a disease of failed energy partitioning, not one of the […]

Real Food Saturated Fat Is Not Subsidized…

Real food saturated fat is not subsidized…Industrial seed oils are subsidized. “Saturated fat intake was not associated with all -cause mortality, CVD mortality, total CHD, ischemic stroke, or type 2 diabetes.

It’s Not Magic, Fat Is Satiating

Consumption of fat induces satiation and when compared to the other macronutrients such as protein and carbohydrates, and comparatively fat has the least impact on blood glucose and insulin production. Excessive insulin production and subsequent insulin resistance is the precursor to type 2 diabetes. A meta-analysis of the evidence available prior to the 1977 US […]

Obesity Will Not Be Solved By The Eat Less.

No amount of habit formation can steer the patient away from a dopamine flux, this is an itch that demands to be scratched. The treatment requires extinguishing the precedent cues, providing satiety, and a temporal substitution model.