Episode 91: Dr. Gurpreet Padda

Today we are joined by Dr. Gurpreet Padda, a man of great learning and with a great interest in metabolic health and nutrition. He became interested in metabolic health when he noticed that, working in adult pain at the time, 91% of his patients were overweight. Through observation and experimentation, he noticed that metabolic inflammation […]

Reversing Disease

Pain is the final pathway, the body screaming that something has gone terribly wrong. Dr. Gurpreet Padda and his team treat at the intersection of the pain epidemic, opioid epidemic, and the diabetes epidemic. Tune in for an informative conversation between Maggie Kelly and Dr. Gurpreet Padda as he discusses these interrelated pathologies and the […]

Hyperinsulinemia Causing Chronic Pain – Gurpreet Padda: Episode 33

Dr. Gurpreet Padda is an interventional pain physician who treats patients with profound, chronic, severe pain that is unrelenting.  Over time he worked out that there was more to these people’s pain than just the physical source of it and that it was also a systemic or metabolic inflammatory issue and that hyperinsulinemia was at […]

Thoughts On COVID-19

I think hospital workers may be getting more infected because of the design of the ventilators. They are an open loop. They are not like an anesthesia ventilator which is a closed-loop. This virus is airborne and exhaled. There is no scavenger in the normal ICU ventilator.

Rats, Food, Prisons – Reversing The Diabetes Pandemic With Dr. Gurpreet Padda

We are living in a diabetes pandemic. But diabetes isn’t just about blood sugar, it’s systemic inflammation, incessant cravings-driven eating. It’s obesity. And it’s impacting our nation in ways most are completely unaware of. From our children’s exposure to the U.S. dietary regulations in our public schools and the rise in ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), […]


Dr. Padda untangles the roots of our current opiate epidemic, obesity epidemic and diabetes epidemic, which are currently in the process of crippling our economy. He discusses hopeful solutions for the future, including how to prevent the eminent devastation of our physical, emotional and financial health as a nation. This is an inspiring and powerful […]