Reversing Diabetes; What Does and Doesn’t Work

About 30 million people in the US have diabetes, of these; about one 8 million don’t know that they have it. Early diagnosis of diabetes can help in the treatment and possibly reversal of diabetes. But what is diabetes reversal? Diabetes reversal is similar to long-term diabetes remission. As much as it is not a definite […]

Refined Grains, Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes

Flour is hard to avoid during meal times. Breakfast options mainly consist of toast, bagels, cereal, and pancakes. A convenient lunch is sandwiches, wraps, pasta or pizza. Dinner might come with its own temptations too. As a result, the average American now eats 10 servings of refined grains each day. What effect do these refined […]

The Role Of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) In The Progression Of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent metabolic disease currently known to man. Its hallmarks are pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction and insulin resistance. The Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) is a little-understood factor as far as the progression of Type 2 diabetes is concerned. Therefore, in this article, I will shed some light on what it is […]

The Role Of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) In The Progression Of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent metabolic disease currently known to man. Its hallmarks are pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction and insulin resistance. The Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) is a little-understood factor as far as the progression of Type 2 diabetes is concerned. Therefore, in this article, I will shed some light on what it is […]

Are You Pre-Diabetic? How Can You Tell?

Of all the chronic diseases currently known to mankind, diabetes is the most common. The onset of diabetes starts years before it becomes full-blown and starts affecting one’s health. How can you know if you are on the path to being a full-blown diabetic? What can you do to arrest and reverse this process? In […]

What’s On Your Plate? Does Overeating Cause Diabetes

We live in the modern-day age of convenience where everything is available to us at the touch of a button. A study published in the Journal of Translational Medicine proves that obesity and Type 2 diabetes are even more closely linked to high-calorie diets than was initially thought. According to the findings of the research, […]

Understanding The Role Of Metabolic Inflammation Plays In Obesity And Diabesity

Obesity is a disease that has plagued the modern-day man in recent times. Access to highly processed foods and a decrease in physical activity are key contributors to this ailment. Researchers are hard at work looking into what other underlying factors lead to obesity, especially given its relationship with the onset of Type 2 Diabetes, […]

Rats, Food, Prisons – Reversing The Diabetes Pandemic With Dr. Gurpreet Padda

We are living in a diabetes pandemic. But diabetes isn’t just about blood sugar, it’s systemic inflammation, incessant cravings-driven eating. It’s obesity. And it’s impacting our nation in ways most are completely unaware of. From our children’s exposure to the U.S. dietary regulations in our public schools and the rise in ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), […]

The Missing Link; Dopamine, Obesity, Metainflammation, Diabetes Type 2

Nearly 77% of the US population is now overweight. This dramatic change in the last 50 years is correlated with the availability of highly processed foods, and with a dramatic increase in chronic pain. In a mouse model, high-calorie foods, which induces a dopamine release, disrupted normal feeding schedules, resulting in overconsumption. Additionally, the “knockout” […]

Could Chronic Pain Patients Be Could Substitution Sugar For Opioids….

Could sugar self-substitution for opioids in our patient’s be leading to insulin resistance, obesity, T2DM? In an experiment done on mini-pigs, they found that sugar can affect the brain’s reward system in a similar “manner similar to that of drugs of abuse” Sugar’s impact on the brain’s reward system boils down to how it affects […]