Can probiotics help those with Alzheimer’s?

Important Points:

  • Probiotics
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Cognitive function

Can probiotics help those with Alzheimer’s?

With the discovery of how the gut microbiome directly effects brain functions, it is inevitable that in time new alternative treatments for cognitive disorders will be coming. A clear example of this was recently published in the journal Frontiers. In the study, researchers were able to show that the probiotics Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium bacteria have a positive effect on the participants diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. The study followed a double-blind controlled structure involving a total of 52 participants over the age of 60. Half of them were given a daily serving of 200ml probiotic milk while the other received the placebo. Baseline blood chemistry and cognitive functions were taken for the end comparison.

At the end of the 12-week experiment period, the group given the probiotic supplement performed significantly better in taking the Mini-Mental State Examination which is the standard test used in measuring cognitive impairment.  Those in the probiotic treatment group also showed marked improvement in their triglycerides, lipid and C-reactive protein parameters as compared to their initial measurements. Researchers think that these lowered levels in their blood chemistry are the metabolic adjustments produced by the intake of probiotics, suggesting that their cognitive improvements go hand and hand with metabolic and gut health. Their response is to say that the next step would be identifying the exact mechanism on how supplementing with probiotics produced a remarkable improvement in patients with serious cognitive problems.

It is important to note that although the improvements seen are significant, the resulting changes are moderate. However, these findings help build confidence that probiotic treatment is definitely the next big thing.

Probiotics Improve Cognition in Alzheimer’s Patients

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