Addiction Neurobehavioral Model of Obesity

  Reverse Diabetes MD Presentation | Reverse Diabetes MD from Gurpreet Padda on Vimeo. Using an addiction model for obesity may be a more accurate way to view it. Obesity is more complicated than the simple calories in and calories out model.  Obesity is more than eat less, move more. Obesity is affected by an underlying neuropsychological and neuroendocrine […]

Why Treat Obesity and Prediabetes

  Why Treat Obesity and Prediabetes | Reverse Diabetes MD from Gurpreet Padda on Vimeo. It’s important to treat obesity and prediabetes before diabetes can develop because obesity is the leading indicator in developing diabetes. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reveals that only 12.2 percent of American adults are metabolically healthy.  Eighty-six million adults in […]

Reverse Diabetes Md Provider Info

Reverse Diabetes MD Presentation | Reverse Diabetes MD from Gurpreet Padda on Vimeo. It’s time to take a more detailed look at the root causes of obesity, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes because of the implication for future public health. Reversing the obesity, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes epidemic is today’s most important public health challenge.  Nearly 70% of population is insulin […]

The role of fructose

Many people think that sugar is sugar, but there are different types and sugar comes in many forms. Compared with glucose, fructose plays a primary role in development of metainflammation, obesity, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes Fructose directly increases de novo lipogenesis, promotes dyslipidemia, decreases insulin sensitivity, increases visceral adiposity, and stimulates the reward center, similar to […]