The most common endocrine dysfunction of women – affects 10-20% of women.
A life-long disease with enormous medical, emotional and financial consequences.
High risk for diabetes and metabolic syndrome & 80% are overweight/obese.
PCOS is the result of hyperinsulinemia * The effects of insulin on the ovary Theca cells results in release of testosterone * The resulting manifestations have devastating effects (obesity, facial hair, acne, and emotional disorders) on teenage girls * Many cases have been reversed with lifestyle changes that act to lower insulin * IGF plays a role but addressing hyperinsulinemia can reverse the condition and its manifestations.
Theca cells endocrine cells in the ovary made up of connective tissue surrounding the follicle. The theca cells are responsible for the production of androstenedione.
Androstenedione is a precursor of testosterone and other androgens, as well as of estrogens like estrone.
Androstenedione has weak androgenic activity.
FSH induces the granulosa cells to make aromatase that converts the androgens made by the theca internal into estradiol.