Obesity Is Symptom Of Nutrient Accumulation.

It is wrongly assumed that excessive caloric intake is the root cause of obesity. A calorie of food energy has different metabolic fates depending upon the hormonal stimulation. That same calorie may be used to generate body heat or stored as body fat. Obesity is a disease of failed energy partitioning, not one of the […]

Processed Seed Oil Is Associated With T2DM

Processed seed oil is associated with T2DM. Cohort studies confirm that plasma saturated fatty acids from dairy sources such as cheese and yoghurt is inversely related to the incidence of type 2 diabetes.

Big Food Is Big Profit, First!

The food industry has a fiduciary responsibility to produce profit for its shareholders. Unfortunately, the food industry downstream cost to public health is bankrupting most westernized societies. Unfortunately, academics, institutions, and journals whose primary responsibility is to patients and scientific integrity have at times colluded with industry for financial gain. It is incredulous to suggest […]

It’s Not Magic, Fat Is Satiating

Consumption of fat induces satiation and when compared to the other macronutrients such as protein and carbohydrates, and comparatively fat has the least impact on blood glucose and insulin production. Excessive insulin production and subsequent insulin resistance is the precursor to type 2 diabetes. A meta-analysis of the evidence available prior to the 1977 US […]

The Women’s Health Initiative is one of the largest randomized controlled diet trials ever performed using 48,835 post-menopausal women, with a mean follow-up period of 8.1 years, randomized to either a standard western diet or a low-fat, calorie-reduced diet with increased exercise. The authors had postulated that a low-fat, calorie-reduced diet with increased exercise would […]

Human Microbiome

Important Points: Microbiome Bacteria Storage Human Microbiome We traditionally think of bacteria as dirty, something we want to keep outside of our bodies.  Intestinal bacteria are very important for digestion; they break complex fiber polysaccharides (sugar molecules connected to each other) into simple absorbable sugars by a process called fermentation, converting nutrients into calories.  The […]

Weight Loss And Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction.

Evidence from multiple randomized controlled trials reveals that a higher fat, lower carbohydrate diet is superior to a low-fat diet for weight loss and cardiovascular disease risk reduction. A meta-analysis of 53 randomized controlled trials involving 68,128 participants conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health concluded “when compared with dietary interventions of similar intensity, […]

Only 1 In 8 Adults Or 12.2% Are Healthy???

Using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009-2016, less than 12.2% of the US population is now considered metabolically healthy. “Prevalence of Optimal Metabolic Health in American Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009-2016,” was published online Nov. 28 in the journal Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders. Almost all of the […]

What can you eat to improve your gut flora and reduce inflammation?

Important Points: Gastro Intestinal tract (GI) Inflammation Gut flora Gut bacteria Microbiome Balance What can you eat to improve your gut flora and reduce inflammation? Your gut microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms — both friendly and unfriendly. Maintaining the right balance of bacteria in your gut is believed to […]

How much inactivity can trigger diabetes symptoms?

Important Points: Diabetes Active Inactivity Health benefits How much inactivity can trigger diabetes symptoms? One of the core risk factors for diabetes and general unhealthiness is sticking to a sedentary lifestyle. Not moving around or having no physical activity not only promotes muscular decline and weakness of the heart, it can also lead to the […]