Can Gluten make autoimmune conditions worse?

Table of Contents:

  • Gluten-free
  • Proteins
  • Autoimmune

Can Gluten make autoimmune conditions worse?

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is slowly gaining momentum as a legitimate health concern at par with celiac disease. At first, the research findings point out how substances seen in food products containing gluten contribute to those without celiac disease in developing fatigue and bloating. But now with the recent developments in research, it may be much more serious than we first thought.

In a research report presented at the recently concluded United European Gastroenterology Week in Vienna, researchers were able to show that certain proteins found in wheat can activate inflammation in the body which possibly triggers the development of asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. These proteins, called Amylase Trypsin Inhibitors, are naturally occurring enzymes that prevent parasites from destroying wheat. Unfortunately, it triggers an inflammation cascade that directly affects multiple organs in the body and thus exacerbating the previously mentioned diseases.

The findings of this study further strengthen the already numerous studies pointing out the benefits of a wheat-free diet.  With further studies, the role of wheat-free diet may soon expand to that of other autoimmune conditions beyond celiac disease.

Over 13,300 delegates, presenters, faculty and industry partners made UEG Week Vienna 2016 another successful meeting.

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